Sunday, July 6, 2014

To my unborn daughter

I love her innocence. Her kicks that are simply kicks, with no other purpose or motivation. She is not plagued by a mind yet with worries or stress or fear of judgment. She purely is. She may be aware. She tastes amniotic fluid. She experiences hiccups, but does not resist or get upset by having her third round of hiccups in a day. She floats. She experiments by touching her face and the cord. She explores her small environment. She is content. Or at least I hope and imagine she is content. She does not worry whether she will grow correctly. She just grows. She is dependent upon me wholly and trusts me, although she may not even be aware of this. She doesn't stress about whether I will eat enough or refrain from toxic substances.

 Her life form is entirely dependent upon my sustenance and the perpetual motion of Life Force, that which gives her life. The invisible. God. Life energy. Creation. And yet she is not, because her soul IS her and her soul is not dependent upon me or any earthly force. However, the development of her body, which she needs to experience a life on this earth, is to a certain extent dependent upon her mother, me.

There is so much I can learn from her. Perhaps I should mimic her way of life. Join her in simply being. Be content. Be free of worries. Experience the present. Or at the very least I can enjoy her Way. It gives me peace knowing a being such as this resides in me and is a part of me. I treasure her presence, having her with me everywhere I go.

I know this is temporary, an experience gift from God, and so I take the time to adore the moment. To sit in silence with my hand on my belly and tune into her ever changing and growing movements. To focus solely on her and this experience of her within me. To send her love and give her praise and encouragement, not that she needs it but because I love her. And sustaining her to the best of my ability physically and mentally.

I dream about my future relationship with her, getting to know everything about this soul who has chosen me to be her mother, and I savor this time with her even more. That one day  when she is a grown woman, I can look at her and fondly remember when my bond was just budding for her. I have several close relationships with other souls on earth and those who have passed away, but I was not aware until now of yet another who is coming to earth to be my daughter. I am eager and excited to meet a soul mate this way.