Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Musings...My detox

Today I'm not sharing the topic until the end. You may, if you like, cheat by checking my fellow Monday blogger's sites. :)

 Christine Allen-Riley
 Kirsti Jones
 Tess Grant.

Last weekend I went on a retreat with a friend of mine. It was in a rural area in the woods and we each had our own private lodging. It was in a community that's largely based on Carl Jung's teachings (psychologist who broke off from Freud). Jung's work emphasizes one's inner world, which should be in more balance with one's external world than what we see in modern man today- in other words the unconscious versus conscious. That alone is a whole different blog post that I hope to do sometime. 

There was no Internet or TV, and my cell phone signal was spotty. Some of my time was spent discussing topics with my friend and those who run the community and some was spent in solitude. 

At first my mind was frantic and compulsive, so accustomed to preparing for work or tomorrow's plan or my to do list. Of course I'd made sure to schedule my free time at the retreat. I'd made goals - reading certain books, accomplishing so much writing, getting back into my journal. My car looked like I was going on a four week road trip! 

After I unpacked, I fidgeted, rearranging what belongings I wanted where. Changed into my yoga pants, I started reading, got distracted, went back to reading, had an impulse to text my sister something awesome I'd read. My fidgets lasted a good two days. Thankfully it was a four day retreat. I was annoyed with myself. Why was I so restless? 

I knew this might happen as I detoxed from American Society life, and so from the beginning I I let whatever happen, happen. Go with the flow. I even have a "Go with the flow" shirt from yoga class. So, I let myself fidget. 

As I was going through withdrawals, it's amazing how many impulses I had to check Facebook, send a text, and check my phone. Then, I came across this in my reading:

"The first sermon in the world was preached at the creation. It was a Divine protest against Hurry." (goes on to talk about the 7th day of rest)

"Nature is very un-American. Nature never hurries. Every phase of her working shows plan, calmness, reliability, and the absence of hurry. Hurry always implies lack of definite method, confusion, impatience of slow growth." - Both from William George Jordan, The Majesty of Calmness, 1898

Did you see that? He wrote that in 1898!! 100+ years later and we're at warped speed.

When's the last time I didn't feel some form of hurry? Whether it's actually running late or worrying about something that's not done.

I did a lot of journaling. My instinct, rather than that incessant thinking voice, told me to journal. I had to purge to clear my mind and undo the creative constipation I'd been experiencing. I've decided that journaling/free associating is imperative so I can vomit all the garbage and busy random thoughts- the enema for my creativity. 

I need that inner quiet if I'm going to write anything of any quality and access my muse. How can inspiration erupt when it's dominated by four very logical goal oriented debators? My inspiration is shy and more likely to take another nap than get in the boxing ring with the others.

In returning to my routine and the hustled world, I'm not magically cured of my old habits, but I realize I need to slow down, even if it's from 75 mph to 55 mph. 

Today's topic was what do I need to write? In case you got lost in the maze of my story. :) 
The picture is from a very relaxing trip I took with my husband in the Bahamas.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Monday Musings...On Saturday

I'm behind with my weekly blog by almost a week...for a variety of reasons. I was out of town last weekend on a retreat, my wisdom teeth recovery is taking longer than planned, and I've come down with a bad sinus infection. Life happens, right? And thank goodness for Sudafed!

This week was favorite TV shows and movies. My fellow bloggers faves can be found at Christine Allen-RileyKirsti JonesTess Grant.

Sooo I love history and at least 80% of what I read are historical fiction novels, so it only makes sense that my favorite show is Downton Abbey.

I started watching it a few weeks ago, swept through season one, and I'm irritated by the long wait on Netflix for season 2. I'm also restraining myself from watching the current season (three) on Sunday nights at 9 pm on PBS (Yes! PBS- how awesome is that?). It's no surprise to me that I love this show, but I admit I'm shocked to hear how many other people are as obsessed as I am. Normally I'm in the minority when it comes to entertainment. (I've never seen Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or Twilight, just to give an example).

It takes place in England in the early 1900's, starting in 1912 with news of the Titanic, into WWI, and well, we'll see I guess. Not many movies, much less TV shows, take place in this time period. I actually started growing an interest in this era before I even heard of Downton Abbey. I'd been brainstorming a story of my own set around this time. Downton follows the lives of a wealthy family as well as their servants, exploring different class systems and each of their challenges.I enjoy the multiple story lines and looking in depth at the servants and working class characters. Servants are fleshed out as full characters rather than cast into stereotypes. The show has breadth and depth. Something that's hard to pull off.

Many people think of historical movies that have corsets and British accents as slow, stiff, and boring with twenty minute declarations of love by a Jane Austen character. But this show has enough suspense and is well paced, giving it a modern feel. I'm wondering if this is part of the appeal for mainstream audiences.

My husband insists on calling it Downtown Abby because he says, the British are just being British-y by calling it Downton. He's not quite as enraptured as I am.

Another favorite TV series of mine is United States of Tara.


It's about a woman with Dissociative Identity Disorder (previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder), and you get to see her alters, the messes they cause, and the stress it causes her family. The driving force is not just for her to recover from the mental illness, but to understand why and how she developed the disorder. Toni Collette is excellent in it! Like any TV show it's not an exact replica of what this disorder looks like, but I was very impressed with how they did it. Most TV shows are notoriously bad at mental illness.

Last night I did a marathon of season 3, only to learn that they cancelled the show after that! Unfortunately they weren't able to finish Tara's story. I was so disappointed that I emailed Showtime- even though it was cancelled in 2011. I've never done anything like that before. Apparently I was distraught enough. How frustrating to not have any closure- it's like reading a book and finding out that the author died before it was completed! Maybe I should write my own ending!

I have several favorite movies, but one that's dear to my heart is Elizabeth. This came out when I was in high school.

 When I was in 7th grade we had "research week" where we could pick any topic to research and then put together a display to show what we learned. I'm not sure how, but I became hooked on learning about Henry VIII  of England and his numerous wives, two of which he beheaded. Elizabeth was his second daughter who later became queen and ruled for many years. She never married. She was an excellent diplomat. This was the time of Shakespeare. Her story always captivated me, and one of my favorite actresses (Cate Blanchett)  played the part!

I've always loved the opening scenes. There was something romantic, innocent, and whimsical about it. I haven't seen the movie since high school, but it's still a favorite. I believe this is a shot from one of those opening scenes that has always stood out in my mind.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday Musings- Virtual Office

The blog hop continues with a virtual tour of our offices! Feel free to mosey around my fellow author's blogs:
Christine Allen-Riley
Kirsti Jones
Tess Grant

I confess I don't have a specific physical space that I always use to write. So to cover up my disorganization,  I'm going to refer to it as a mobile office or WIP (work in progress) office.

Here's the thing. We moved into our house about six months ago and each room has been a WIP. We actually have a room that we call "the office", but it's not a fully functioning office. My goal is to frequently write in there, although I can never imagine always writing in one spot or to be honest, even at a desk.

Which brings me to my beautiful desk! (Yes, I know this is confusing)

I found this beautiful wooden desk at a second hand shop. It was crying out to me for new paint and a home. It was a hideous green and yellow. I re-imagined it in duck egg blue and old ochre. It might be hard to see from the picture, but I love how it curves in the front and the detail along the edges, not to mention all the deep drawers! The handles are original and I'm guessing it's circa 1950? I'm still learning vintage furniture so let me know if you have an idea.

My inner romance novelist wants to pull up a chair to this desk with a quill pen and ink, a cup of cocoa, and gaze at the snow laden pine trees for inspiration.

Practical lazy me tends to sit on the couch with the laptop (i.e. right now).

The desk will at least serve the purpose of filing my writing supplies, even if I don't write very often at the desk....and my husband and stepdaughter have been using it.

If you did a 180 turn from the desk, you would see my "new" comfy chair, which is my next project- either slip cover or reupholstered. We'll see how ambitious I get. Like I said, I often plop on the couch in our living room, but sometimes the husband wants to watch Family Guy or sports, and I'm not one of those people that functions better with music or noise in the background. I envy those people, but give me a library any day over a distraction ridden Biggby's.

I have a desk at work and I squirm all day at it. Gimme a lazy boy, this behind needs some cushioning! 95% of my college homework was done in a reclining chair. I swear I'd be more productive!

My sister's friend had the awesomest cushiest hugest sweetest chair that she no longer wanted. Overzealous for a comfy spot in the "office", we hauled it to our house. Then we discovered that it actually was a gargantuan of a chair and wouldn't fit through any of the doorways. After sweat and tears, and a trail of carnage that has yet to be fixed down the hallway, we managed. And it was worth it.

This, my friends, will be my writing chair. It is heavenly.

I think it is more bed than chair.

Our "office" also has a bookshelf, printer, and some other yet-to-be-organized bins, folders, and such. A friend of mine is replicating a witty collage I found in a writer's magazine, in the form of a hanging quilt, which will also go in the "office." I promise to show it once it's done!

The mobile part of my office is my mind and a notebook. I love a clean crisp notebook. Walking into Staples makes me giddy, and I inevitably buy a new notebook or pen even though I have a stack at home.  I used to hand write everything. Then type it when and if I had to. I'm old fashioned. There's something to be said for how thoughts flow from the brain to arm to scribbling flow of the fingers. I've always felt that typing creates a disconnect.

Then I realized I live in the modern world and if I wanted to make the most of my time, I should learn to type my thoughts directly. Or at least try.  The transition has been difficult, but now I mostly type on the laptop. (At least I'm not stuck at a desk, I decided).

But don't stop buying stock in the notebook companies. Inspiration has a tendency to pop up at inopportune moments such as in the shower, the fleeting 5 seconds before I fall asleep, or in the car.  I've lost several gems simply because I was overconfident that I'd remember it later and then never wrote it down.

I've tried various notebook sizes for mobile purposes. I had a 3" x 3" one in my purse for awhile, but it was too small and would never stay open while I tried to write. Now I keep this one nearby, usually by my nightstand and sometimes it wanders to other rooms or places...

I'm afraid my virtual tour has been a little bumpy and sidetracked, but it's actually pretty reflective of my experience as a writer: A WIP in finding a system, style, and well, an actual office.

How about you? What kind of office do you have? Is it all in your head, mobile, fragmented, or maybe centers around a well loved piece of furniture?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Monday Musings- Dream Home

When I returned from my honeymoon, the first thing I noticed about my Midwestern town was that it seemed junky. It's not known for pollution and probably ranks as one of the top 100 cities to raise a family in, but I saw billboards, drab buildings, traffic, road signs, and most of all- the roads dominated everything. Nature shyly popped it's head where it could. I'D NEVER VIEWED MY HOME ENVIRONMENT THIS WAY BEFORE. I was appalled, and a little depressed.

In Colorado, the roads wind around nature, and are barely noticeable. (Granted, road design is probably limited when you have mountains). There was no traffic and few billboards or advertisements. You are immersed in nature. Today's topic is "Favorite place to live" and I'm choosing Southwest Colorado, near Durango and the Four Corners.

I'm not sure I'll have to say much because the pictures speak for themselves. I'll take you on a tour of my "dream home."

We'll start with the house. I'm thinking my husband and I could live in one of these:

Kidding! This was Mesa Verde National Park and was filled with ancient history. We stayed in a cozy bungalow filled with local art, unique decor, and organic food that sat on a lake and overlooked the mountains.

I loved the constant immersion in nature, the wide open spaces, the jaw dropping beauty, and privacy. The landscape varied from mountains, lakes, open fields, snow capped mountains, white river rapids, ravines, and wildlife. Even the desert was within driving distance. Southwest Colorado borders Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico where you can easily take day trips.

*Sigh* I miss and can't wait to return even though I didn't fare real well with the frequent changes in elevation. I had nausea and headaches, but it was well worth it. I'm sure I'd adjust if I lived there.

Most people travel to a tropical  island for their honeymoon. We had snow. Of course, it's nice when you can drive a few thousand feet lower in elevation to leave the snow whenever you like. The big difference though is that Colorado is sunny!

When we drove the day long trip on the scenic Million Dollar Highway, we reached the tippy top of a snow covered mountain.

 Another day we took a train to the small isolated town of Silverton nestled in the mountains. This was the end of May so I'm guessing they have a very short summer.

We also embraced whatever we came across whether it was baby and mamma bear tracks, getting locked out of our car without cell phones in a remote and snow covered region, or the drive along a mountain edge with no guardrail to protect you from the harrowing drop off . The picture doesn't do it justice- feel free to Google it. It's near Ouray.

In the wilderness I could Think. We often forget the healing potential nature offers for our minds and bodies. Maybe I wouldn't need yoga, meditation, massages, or couch potato time if I lived IN nature, rather than ON nature. I'm not sure, but it's something to think about....

I love how this region embraces nature and health. They not only respect and care for the earth, but the people are very health conscious. I was surprised to see how many restaurants offered local organic food.

Given the beauty, peace, and health, it makes me wonder how living here might affect my creativity and writing?

Remember to check out my fellow blog hopper's (Christine Allen-Riley , Kirsti JonesTess Grant ) favorite places to live! You may just end up with a world wide tour. :)