A part from within

Psychologist, Carl Jung, discusses the many parts, personas, or selves within each of us. We often neglect or repress these "parts" through distraction, addiction, and many other self destructive methods. To get better acquainted with these selves is to heal and become whole. Jung discusses the "shadow", the unwanted,"evil", repulsive self that we hate and repress at all costs, even if it's unconsciously. We are fearful of it. I believe this can lead to depression, anxiety, boredom, destruction, and illness. That which we face, will no longer be fearful. It simply wants acceptance and to teach us about our whole self. I aim to face this shadow and to speak truthfully.

A part from within can be read two ways. It's about getting acquainted with the part in ourselves that we've neglected (not always just the "shadow"). It's also about how we are often apart from within, not in touch with our inner being. Separated from our true selves. Superficial. Concerned with the surface while avoiding anything inside. 

I speak to these things, here, to the best of my ability.