This moment. Fleeting, but I grasped it for a few seconds this morning. Too many times, I get caught up in my life and I miss the fall season. Suddenly it's November and very brown. I don't know how this happens. But this morning while driving through rolling green hills peppered with cows, I was awed by the splash of colors. The sun was brilliant, which is best for showing off the leaves. I noticed that this moment is part of the autumn peak. The glorious reds, oranges, yellows, greens, and deep purples. Vibrant and healthy. The leaves aren't dead yet. A mix of green and autumn confetti. They're making their loud finale, grand performance. Soon it will transition to browns and burnt colors. As I grasped this, I noticed how many of the trees look like they've been touched by an artist's paint brush. Just the tips on this one, a corner on another, broad strokes for another. The perfect array of a 1000 shades of orange. As if an artist had diligently worked last night to blend the colors, insert the intricate details of brown bark and green stems, and shivered in anticipation that I would awaken to this surprise. The peak of autumn is short, a couple of weeks. I didn't miss it this year.
P.S. On a sunny day, notice the difference in the leaves in mid morning light compared to dusk kissed light, and all the variations in between. My favorite is mid morning.