I recently received the Liebster Blog Award from Patricia Kiyono, author and blogger, who can be found at Creative Hodgepodge. She’s a fellow member of the Grand Rapids Regional Writer’s Group (GRRWG) and just released her novel, Aegean Intrigue. I actually won a copy and hope to write my review soon, so keep your eyes peeled! It takes place in Greece, which alone makes it a worthwhile read.
This award is for “up and coming bloggers with fewer than 200 followers”, so I felt honored to be recognized in this way. Thank you Patty!
Now the drum roll for the awards I get to pass out:
1. Joselyn Vaughn is a fellow GRRWG member and can be found at Joselyn Vaughn. She writes fun romantic novels, including CEO’s Don’t Cry, which I’ve read and thoroughly enjoyed!
2. Bronwyn Green can be found at Bronwyn Green's Random Thoughts and Musings. Her regular blog feature, Riding in Cars With Boys, never ceases to bring a smile. She’s also an author, member of GRRWG, and very supportive of newbie authors.
3. Michelle has a blog that features her re-imagining business. For those who aren’t familiar with re-imagining, she takes old furniture, refinishes it and gives it that trendy vintage look. Reimagined Just For You has really blossomed in the last several months. Michelle also has a personal blog at She Looketh Well.
4. W.S. Gager is the author of the Mitch Malone mystery series and shares her writing experiences at W.S. Gager On Writing . She’s discussed her challenges of trying to type while wearing a cast, and I have to tip my hat to her! Bind a writer’s hands and she’ll find a way.
5. Jessie is the first person I knew to have a blog (she’s a cousin by marriage). The blog’s versatility keeps it fresh and she incorporates her whole family in the blog. Her husband and sister are contributor’s and three little boys always keeps it exciting. I couldn’t bear to cross out, Nothing Gets Crossed Out, and therefore, it definitely made the list ! (Sorry, couldn’t resist playing with the phrase!)
Instructions on how the Liebster Award works:
1. Thank the person who gave it to them and link back to that person’s blog.
2. Copy and paste the award to your blog. (It’s up at the top!)
3. Choose 5 blogs to award in kind and break the news by commenting on those blogs.
4. Hope those people pay it forward in turn by accepting and awarding the “Leibster Blog Award” to blogs they’d like to honor.
Thanks again Patty!