My step-daughter is 8-years-old, and even though she sticks with the trends (iCarly!), she's still a traditional girl at heart. She loves castles and princesses, and plans on living in a huge castle when she grows up. My hubby, J, and I asked her if we could live with her. Never too early to start planning retirement.
We have silly and inspiring conversations with her, and I love the profound ideas and quirky comments she comes up with. So I'm sharing my first blog entry of the "Princess Diaries".
Last Saturday when she came over, we were eating breakfast, and she was playing with a rubbery spider finger puppet (see above).
She was twirling him by one of his legs and I warned her,
"He might get dizzy!"
"And puke in your milk,"added my husband. Thanks for that image, honey!
It was dangerously close to the milk, and honestly I was more concerned that the milk would soon make contact with the floor.
She giggled, covering her mouth.
She stopped the spider merry-go-round,
"I saw a spider web at my Grandma's!" (I Love the things that kids get excited over)
"Oh yeah?" I said.
"It was beautiful!" she gushed.
She traced the web pattern in the air,
"Line, line. Spider. Line." (Yup, I could almost see it)
"So there was a spider in it?!"
"Yeah he's my friend."
"Does he have a name?" (I have a tendency to name everything, including plants)
"Yup, Webby!" she announced proudly.
"That's cute!"
An 8-year-old girl who's not scared of a spider, but befriends him? I was impressed.
"That was nice of you to leave his web. A lot of people would have ruined it."
Her shoulders sagged and hands went to her side,
"Xavier ruined it!" ( cousin Xavier the Destroyer-- how evil!)
"Oh no! I'm sorry."
Before The Destroyer came along though, she had been looking out for little Webby. She explained how she had caught flies, coaxed them to the web, released them near the web, and well, did her best so Webby wouldn't go hungry. Apparently, Webby had never heard the "Location location location" motto.
"So where do you think Webby went?" I asked.
"Florida because it's warmer and he can get a tan!" She was quite matter-of-fact about it.
Of course! November--the time of year to head South. Why would I think any differently?